Why the Right Adopts Violence

The title of this article is somewhat fallacious. Looking at the current political climate, it would be disingenuous to claim that the political right is excessively violent, especially when considering the perpetual acts of left-wing violence. However, the reasons for left-wing violence are commonly understood. In their view, the current political system is faulty and thus needs to be progressed or abolished, and this is best accomplished via force and fear. The political right, on the other hand, largely support the current order. Now granted, there are traditionalists and some on the radical right (this term is not to be taken as a pejorative) who desire to live in a society that differs from the current political order. Unlike the left however, the far right is largely content to wait for the inevitable collapse of this current sociopolitical epoch, and thus chooses to propagate their worldview not by taking political action or violence, but instead by the propagation of their ideas and via their progeny. Yet today, we see the milquetoast right, the benign conservative, becoming more inclined to violence and actions that are more radical. We see conservatives in the US, those who can hardly be called radical in their views, since they staunchly support multiracialism and are philo-semitic, claiming that they are ready to kill and die for the former president of the United States. This former president, who at best was a moderate conservative, would not seem to be someone deserving of such fanatical support, but alas he has garnered it. Of all times, why has the moderate right now become violent? This is the question I hope to answer but in brief, the current right-wing violence can be attributed to the realization that the world order that the conservatives believed in is in rapid decay, and that they are powerless to do anything about it. As such, those of a conservative mindset have the choice of violently protecting their dead order, or stoically joining the ranks of the radical right.

The promise of democratic politics is fairness. The right has been promised that if they play the game of democracy, they will have their victories and their losses, and that this is what makes the western countries admirable. Yet this has been shown to be a lie or a coping mechanism. What victory has the right actually achieved? Sure, in America Trump became president, but what did he actually do? The president decried illegal immigration, all while saying that he wanted to bring in more immigrants than any other president in history. For those in our circles, we know that it makes little difference if the immigrants are illegal or legal, as they will vote and work as a group against the interests of the founding stalk peoples. Did Trump do anything to rollback gay ‘marriage’, curtail transgender ‘rights’, or challenge Roe v. Wade? Not really, and ironically the state of Texas post-Trump has done a better job of protecting the unborn while under a democrat presidency. As such, the right, the conservative has gained nothing from democracy, other than the occasional participation ribbon. America, and the west as a whole, continues to become more progressive, and the conservative is rapidly finding himself an unwelcomed religious, political, and ethnic minority in his homeland. The conservative is now beginning to realize that “voting harder” will not save the west, and that voting has become a detriment to political change because the left has always owned democracy.

As a result of the continual leftward march, the left has become emboldened, loudly proclaiming their inevitable victory. “History has a liberal bias” they will tell you, but this is a fallacy. In whatever time one lives, the group which is dominant will always claim to be the natural continuation and capstone of human history. Ultimately, progress and regress are meaningless terms, as they do not represent objective realities. Progress and regress are value judgments that are largely divorced from objective morality. Both the left and the right will claim to be progressive (especially ironic for me since Canada’s ‘conservative’ party is called the Progressive Conservatives), but again this is meaningless, as claiming the mantle of progress is a rhetorical tool to brand one’s opposition as regressive. The left’s triumphalism and arrogance are grating, especially for the conservatives who have spent decades “taking it on the chin” in the face of loss after loss. The left’s constant declarations of victory, real or imagined, has made the conservative realize that time is indeed running out for them. There needs to be a major shift in politics if the country they knew and loved is going to exist in a recognizable form to them. In the 60’s (and even as early as the 30’s), while the left was marching, protesting, gaining influence, and infiltrating the institutions, the right did nothing to counter them. The right took no actions to protect the conservative nature of society, assuming that the west’s residual traditionalism would be enough to sustain western culture moving forward. This of course was proven to be a major miscalculation, and now that all the institutions, corporations, and even the political system itself has a leftward bias, the only apparent action left for a conservative is to adopt the tactics of the left.

Even the political parties that are supposed to represent the right are no longer fit for purpose. The Republican party in America, the PC party in Canada, and the Conservatives in Britain are all socially left-wing. Now, as a result of the alleged pandemic, these parties are becoming economically left-wing as well, so functionally voting has become even more meaningless than it was before. Any genuinely right-wing movement or party is demonized by the media and will never see an election victory. Period. For many in the radical right/traditional sphere, these genuinely rightist parties are seen as little more than pressure valves. The left goes a little too far, and thus in protest the disgruntled conservative has their vote channeled into a third party, thus keeping the conservative as part of the system and preventing them from taking any real-world actions. Trump appears to have been one such pressure-valve. He was no threat to the system and he was not a fascist demagogue. If anything, he seems to have been a test for us by the establishment, to see how far the right, in all its variants, was willing to go. For all the talk in America about “muh Second Amendment” and “muh rights will not be infringed”, the average American conservative seems well content to let the state run roughshod over them with no resistance. A black criminal gets shot resisting arrest and American cities are razed to the ground like the barbarians did at Rome. In contrast, a white woman is shot for ‘trespassing’ in the Capital building and she is denounced as a terrorist by the media, and no one so much as marches for her in a protest. It is unjust, but justice does not matter anymore. The powers that be wanted to see how far the right would go and what they could push before facing resistance. Even though July 6th can at best be called a rowdy protest, it was enough to make those in power clamp down on the right as a whole, denouncing them as terrorists and seditionists. For better or worse, the establishment is saying that the right is a threat, and as we have learned from decades of war with Islamic nations, presuming that one is a terrorist often predisposes one to becoming a terrorist.

The sad reality is that we are nearing the world that James Mason and Dr. William Luther Pierce warned about, and that George Lincoln Rockwell tried to prevent. It is eerie to listen to Pierce and Mason speak almost as though they were prophets in regard to what they believed the future would be. This is a bad thing. We do not want to live in a world where James Mason and Dr. Pierce are proven to be correct, however this is less of a comment on the merits of those men rather than an indictment of what our nations have become. When Nazi Germany is perceived to be a better place to live in than the contemporary west, we must ask ourselves how our societies could have degenerated to the point where we find common cause with the National Socialists. Trump was not a fascist nor a National Socialist, but many people wanted him to be one. Even some of those milquetoast conservatives felt this way, because on some level they realized that to preserve and to “Make America Great Again”, a leader such as that was required. What America needed in Trump, it had in George Lincoln Rockwell. Unfortunately, Rockwell was murdered most likely by a fed, and as such his movement and party imploded without the leadership and vision he offered. Without the Americanism and genuine idealism of Rockwell, we are left with the cynicism and hopelessness of Mason and Pierce. Alas, living in the modern world, it would seem that their bleak outlook has been utterly vindicated. Now, not all of Mason’s and Dr. Pierce’s solutions to this problem have merit. Both seemed too atheistic in their outlook (although James Mason is now a Christian), and although race is important, it is not the be-all and end-all of existence. While Mason is alive he should be prayed for, and likewise for Pierce and Rockwell even though they are dead; we are instructed to do so even for those who were not Christian, as our prayers do provide some benefit to them.

Lastly, we have the Covid-19 ‘pandemic’. The ‘pandemic’ really exposed to many conservatives how contemptuous the elite were of them. Churches were shuttered and faced disproportionate restrictions compared to secular mass gatherings. For example, churches were limited to a fixed number of people regardless of the size of the building, whereas box stores were allowed a percentage of people which vastly outnumbered the total capacity of most churches. 2020’s summer lockdown was interrupted, not for the sake of sanity and livelihood of the people, but so that cities could be destroyed in honour of serial criminal George ‘Fentanyl’ Floyd. But don’t you know, systemic racism is a contributing factor to Covid, so taking part in a maskless BLM riot is copacetic with combating a ‘pandemic’. The majority peoples of western countries, the white European majority does not matter to the elite, and if anything, is a hindrance to their agendas. Now, western governments and institutions run by a hostile elite are telling us that we need to get a ‘vaccine’ to have our lives back. Or rather, there will be no return to normality; instead, we will have a new normal after we build back better. This elite, which for years was celebrating the decline of white conservatives as a result of natural death, championing demographic replacement, and advocating our disenfranchisement, is pleading with us out of their abundant love to get a ‘vaccine’ so that our lives may be saved. Why should the media and the average liberal care if unvaccinated people die from covid? Is this not what they have wanted for years? If what they believe about the ‘vaccine’ is true, then they are safe from covid and only we are at risk. This ‘vaccine’ is not about public safety. If it were, it would not need to be so heavily propagandized, and individuals would seek it without being told to do so. From the very beginning, the media was saying that liberation from covid would not come as a result of natural immunity or medicines, but from a vaccine bequeathed to us by the god of science through his clergy of experts. Now, whatever dangers the vaccine may or may not pose, the state, Bill Gates, Anthony Faucie, Justin Trudeau, Pope Francis, and Patriarch Bartholomew do not have jurisdiction over my bloodstream or body chemistry. They simply do not. You are free to dialogue and attempt to persuade someone to receive a medical procedure, but the choice is and always was theirs. Furthermore, one legally cannot be coerced into receiving a vaccine or any other treatment. But again, this covid ‘vaccine’ is less about the well-being of the individual, and in reality is a thinly veiled compliancy test. I am not morally compelled to comply with the dictates of those who hate me and do not have my best interests at heart. Trust is earned, and this system seems to do everything in its power to earn the distrust of conservatives and those like them. Now, I cannot say one way or another if the ‘vaccine’ is the mark of the beast from Revelation. What I can say is that functionally, there seems to be very little as this point distinguishing the ‘vaccine’ from the mark. It is disheartening to see how many Christians willingly accepted the ‘vaccine’, and if vaccine uptake is anything to go by, it is doubtful that many Christians will resist the mark of the beast if and when it comes. Without the vaccine, individuals will be barred from society. First it will be non-essential places such as malls, restaurants, and bars. In the future, after countless covid waves and variants, who truly knows what restrictions we will face. After covid, the society which conservatives knew and loved is to be completely cutoff from them, should they not take the vaccine. The noble myth of rights and freedoms is replaced with the reality of state power and compliance. With nothing left to them, the conservatives have a choice. They can either fight now and accomplish little, if anything, or they can endure, abandoning the society that has abandoned them. A society that is unworthy of them and what they represent. I guess a third option would be to submit to this tyranny, but in doing so, they deserve the coming rage that will be acted upon them by the diverse masses coming to dispossess them of their power and privilege.

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