Why I will Never Vote Again and Why You Shouldn’t Either

Is there anyone who can honestly say that they are happy with the current political order? Can anyone claim that our liberal democracies have brought them contentment or peace, and do those who rule over us share any of our interests or desire to represent us in any way? Neither those on the political left or right, when honest, will claim to support the current political system as it stands, yet those same people will affirm the importance of democracy and participating in a system which they oppose. We know that the system, be it known as ZOG, the deep state, the cathedral, the entrenched bureaucracy or what have you, rules unchallenged. Conservative, Liberal, Republican, and Democrat are different veneers, different teams selling to the people the same product of liberal democracy. What party represents my values? What party, once elected, will abolish the central bank, prosecute usury, revoke the rights of sodomites, criminalize abortion, and repeal civil rights legislation? What party is there even that would support my right to publicly advocate for those positions and protect my right to hold those views and speak them? There is none. If democracy is supposed to represent the interests of the people, then where is the representative for those in society who hold those views? Heck, the values of society do not even originate from society itself, but are imposed upon it by those who own the media, who also incidentally own the politicians and the banks. We are told that the purpose of democracy is to put people in power who represent the interests of the majority. Alas in the west, our politicians hate westerners, they hate white Christians and are working to replace us. Elected officials do not defend our culture or our rights, and they actively work to replace western culture and peoples to their benefit and the benefit of the smallest irrelevant minorities. Some may say that third parties provide a solution, or that we could fill in the blank part of our ballots with someone we support. The problem with these solutions is that they solve nothing, and they legitimize the system’s rule over us.

On an individual level, voting is meaningless. My vote has never turned the tide in any election, not in those where my candidate won or those where he lost. Those in politics know this, but they also fervently encourage and sometimes coerce people into voting. State schools and the media say that voting is “our most cherished right”, an “honour”, a “privilege”, something that we owe our ancestors to do because they fought and died for that right, and that we should be very thankful because if it had not been for them, we would be speaking German right now. People get livid when you tell them you do not vote, they become distraught and see you as defective or degenerate. Their activist mentally is offended when you tell them that you do not want to “make a difference” or be “represented” and would instead rather take personal respectability for yourself and your own. I choose to retain that which is my own, my self-determination and freedom, which contrary to popular belief is not a right or privilege distributed to me by the state, government, or politicians. In the world of social media, we are told that if a service is free, then we (or more specifically our data) are what is being sold. Democracy and freedom are not synonymous. Democracy is merely the manner of exchange used by the system and the oligarchs to harvest what they want from the people. In democracy, the voter forfeits their individual political power and bestows it upon the system. Through democracy, the right to self-determination, autonomy, and independence is forfeited, and instead an all-powerful state is given permission to dictate how you are to live your life. The rights “given” to us by democracy are rights which the individual already possessed, and democracy is not needed for individuals to come together in the interest of others and establish communities. Voting is thus the legal permission we give to the oligarchs to rule over us. It does not matter who you vote for or who wins because you consent to that system by participating in it. You give the system the right and permission to do whatever they want to you because you are playing their game. It does not matter who wins an election or who you vote for. It does not matter if a politician betrays his electorate and implements policies he did not run on; you are compelled to submit in docility to those in power because you legitimized and participated in the system that put them there.

Democracy invariably leads to totalitarianism by its nature. This may sound bold coming from someone who is a monarchist. After all, in the public eye monarchy is often seen as the quintessential example of totalitarianism and tyranny. Alas, this mainstream view is the result of American propaganda and not the reality of monarchy. Were there tyrannical monarchs? Of course there were but monarchy, unlike democracy, is not by its nature tyrannical. Under a monarchy, the monarch has a vested interest in the well-being of his people and nation. His livelihood and the inheritance of his children is contingent on the success and well-being of those he rules. In monarchy, there is a fundamental equality between the sovereign and the people, and as such a humility because both positions were bestowed upon them from birth. In democracy, the leader comes to be above the voters because he represents not himself but everybody. His will is the people’s will; he is therefore superior to any individual voter, and thus is compelled by his position to force the nation to conform to his will. A monarch has no interest in micromanaging the lives of his subjects. Doing so would be a waste of time, and furthermore he would not have the right to do so. The monarch would have the authority and power to micromanage and oppress his subjects, but he would not have the right to do so because the rights of the people are the same as his own, and a misuse of his power would result in reprisal. In monarchy, one’s local lord or mayor has more power and influence over the life of an individual than the king with his federal and national power. The power of the king ends when he enters a subject’s home, because the individual and his property is sovereign based upon the king’s same sovereign right as ruler. A king’s ownership of a country is that of the line of the border, and not the totality of what is inside it. In democracy, you give the federal government the right to interfere in your personal dealings. By participating in federal politics, the federal government not only has the power to micromanage and oppress the people, but has been given the right to do so by the electorate because it is that same electorate who legitimize that power. As such, democracy gives the federal government an interest in the people and the right to impose its will upon them.

The only thing that kept democracies from immediately becoming tyrannical was the threat of violence on behalf of the people. Democracy worked when those in office knew that they had a responsibility to their voters, and that if that responsibility was not fulfilled that debt could be collected by methods which did not involve the ballot box. The threat of violence made voter and representative equal. This is why the American system of governance, as flawed as it may have been, was able to persist so long and ensure the freedom of so many. America was exceptional in that it was the only state to have been a republic founded by a revolution which did not immediately sink into civil war, bloodshed, and tyranny. America beat the odds because of its armed populace, because there existed a check to the state’s power, that being the people. Alas, today western governments do not fear their people. They loath them and want them dead, displaced, and powerless. Democracy can work on a local level in a homogeneous population that shares the same beliefs and has the same worldview. It can only work when the person your vote for lives amongst your community, is one of the people, and is accessible to you. Democracy does not work at the higher levels of government, those being the provincial/state and federal levels.

This system of liberal democracy is evil and must be destroyed. At this juncture, it is a battle for survival between those who are conservative, traditional, Christian, white, and straight, and the establishment, which no longer has a purpose for us. Either we or they will be destroyed, and I would rather it be me and my own which continue. There is no political solution to the problems we face. The system is so entrenched and totalitarian that we are unable to resist it. The state has a monopoly on violence so revolution can do nothing for us, and as I have argued before revolution is an immoral act. The only act we have to truly hurt and weaken them is that of noncompliance. By not voting we retain our autonomy and our political freedom. This does not mean that we are free from following the laws of the state as their authority is still legitimate, but morally and spiritually we are in a stronger position to resist the system when they implement policies which violate our rights to self-determination and freedom. The system may still have the power to do whatever it wants to us, but we take from them that right, and in a small way their power wains. What would happen if only ten percent of the population participated in the next federal election? How could that government be seen in any way as legitimate? How would the system as a whole, a system designed to harvest the political power of the people, have any remaining legitimacy, and thus without legitimacy, power? This is what our goal should be. To destroy the system we need to rob it of our consent, because it is via our consent that it claims a legitimate right to rule over us. By saying “no” to them they will either be forced to relinquish their power or be more transparent as they struggle to keep it. When the next election comes, I will go down to my polling location, take my ballot and rip it in half. I encourage you all to do the same.

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4 thoughts on “Why I will Never Vote Again and Why You Shouldn’t Either

  1. For years now, more like decades, I have realized that our, excuse me, thee election system has been corrupted. After the 2020 presidential election. The level of corruption has never been so obvious. Sadly, I have to agree with your statements. Lately I have been thinking about something one of our Founding Father’s once said. “Every now and then the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of Patriots and tyrants.

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