A Christian Understanding of Race



Let me start by first stating that this article does not stem from a place of bigotry, prejudice or a sense of superiority. For too long the reality of race has been suppressed and ignored in the western world. If we Christian traditionalists hope to work towards a better future for ourselves and our descendants we must accept the reality of race and the fact that differences exist between different ethnic and people groups. It is unfortunate that a preface such as this needs to be included, alas the current political and social climate makes this a necessity.


Race is a biological fact. The ethnicity of an individual is written in their genes and expressed in by their phenotype. It is not socially constructed or the product of culture. Anthropologists are able to look at human remains hundreds and thousands of years old and racial classify them based on lingering genetic material and the structure of their skeleton. Different human groups have also expressed different aptitudes. The development of race is explicitly linked to evolution. Yet as a Christian I reject this explanation. Genetic mutation has been observed, and this has been used to provide tacit evidence for evolution. Alas the mutations we view in the lab are a result of information loss (corruption and fragmentation in the genetic code). In nature this is caused by environmental adaption and selective breeding. So for example, in a frigid environment animals develop thicker coats while those that do not die off. Alas within the original species the genetic information for both variants of coat existed. Over time the thin coat variant will cease to exist in that environment and it’s unique genetic expression will be lost. So, the “creation” of the winter species is the result of a loss of genetic information, and not an evolution or something new. In fact this loss of information can be detrimental because the species has become less versatile and should the environment change they will be unable to adapt. Selective breeding is a term usually meant to mean the deliberate breeding of two organism to produce a desired trait. We do this all the time for our crops, livestock, and domesticated animals. Alas I am referring more so to the fact that every instance of procreation is in itself selective and exclusive. Certain traits are simply more useful and desirable and get selected for, in plants, animals and humans.


Race is a product of these forces. Humanity had a common origin in Adam, and later from Noah’s family. After the tower of Babel humanity was dispersed over the earth. At this time there would only be a single race of man. But the varied environments over the course of thousands of years would have resulted in those people to start taking on the traits of their home regions. Those in the southern hemisphere would develop darker skin etc. This shows that the diversification of the human species was a deliberate action by God and not something that happened by happenstance. God intended for humanity to populate and have dominion over the entire Earth and as such he facilitated the diversification of humanity to better fulfill that purpose. Also God did this to protect humanity. As a genetically and culturally monolithic species, a single attack against us would have resulted in our destruction. The completion of Babel would have resulted in the universal damnation of man. Also biologically, a plague or major environmental shift would most likely result again in the entire species destruction. Having different variants of humanity insures that if one is wiped out to disease, or one falls into abomination the remaining whole of humanity survives. God permits a level of diversity so as to insure our survival of his church, and even allows for a diversity of expression of that church for much the same reason. Should the Orthodox fall the Catholics, Protestants and Orientals are there to preserve the truth, or any version of that you wish to imagine.


God acknowledges race, most notably with his distinction between the Hebrews and Gentiles. God selected the Hebrews to be his chosen people. Now although ultimately his reasons for choosing them are unknown and although I personally think there was a tangible and material reason for this. Not to discount the spirit of course but God is the God of both material and immaterial and does not favor one or the other. And no, spirit also corrupts just like material (fallen angels, demons etc). The Jews of today are not the Biblical Hebrews however they are in part decedents of them. Today’s Jews have been well documented for the higher than average I.Q. as compared to other racial groups. My theory is that God, knowing that his word needed to be preserved for thousands of years without being written down chose the people best suited to preserve that word without corruption within an oral tradition. This feat is truly remarkable and we Christian do owe a lot to the old testament Hebrews. Alas because of the corrupted world in which we live, nothing is without it’s inverse. The Hebrews with their great intelligence were prone to rationalism and believed themselves to be self dependent and superior to the gentiles. Within the Bible it is shown they often placed their faith in themselves and rejected God, only to return to him after being defeated or humiliated, being forced to acknowledge their need and duty to Him. It is very fitting hat Israel in the Hebrew means “he who struggles with God”. Not that the Hebrews were in opposition to Him but that they struggled to fully understand and accept the status God had granted them.

Although the Hebrews were the chosen people, God had not forgotten about the rest of humanity. God sent Jonah to preach to the gentiles of Nineveh. The prophet Malachi states that one day the gentiles will worship and burn incense to the God of Israel. All people are loved by God but the Hebrews were selected at a time to fulfill an aspect of Gods plan. Upon the completion of that most Hebrews became Christian. Those that didn’t are the descendants of the pharisees who are enemies of Christ and the synagogue of Satan referenced in the Apocalypse of John (Revelation).

An Ethiopian Orthodox priest blesses the faithful with incense during the Meskel Festival to commemorate the discovery of the true cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified on, at the Meskel Square in Ethiopia's capital Addis Ababa

God ordained the nation and instituted the state to protect that. The state exists to protect the people or the nation. The nation is the culture, religion and race of the people. All of these must be protected to insure the viability of a civilization. A people needs to be able to understand itself and know who they are. Christianity is a universalist religion, meant for all people. Yet the expression of Christianity varies depending on the practitioners. This is a reflection on the uniqueness of the nation. Now, one must be careful as nation cannot take prescience over religion but so long as true religion is being kept these differences can be accepted and these people accepted as our brothers and sisters. Today there is an ever present force attempting to merge all people, cultures, and religions. This is a direct parallel to Babel, and should it progress to it’s penultimate, God will surely be compelled to intervene as he did there. Only this time his intervention will be the tribulation and end times. God believes in the nation and to a certain degree ethno-homogenmaity within a state. Yet still the Bible references foreigners in Israel and that they were granted privileges similar to the Hebrews. Yet Biblical Israel was never meant to be a multiracial or multicultural state. So long as the super majority of it’s people were homogeneous there could exist internal diversity. This is what we today should try to aim for within our states in the west. A state must reflect the values and uniqueness of it’s people. This cannot happen if there is not a single unified people within that state. The push of multiculturalism today is a deliberate effort to undermine western Christianity and the civilization it produced. I believe God has shown favor to Europeans because of our adoption and spreading of Christianity around the globe. I also believe that the rise of secularism and atheism is resulting in the dissipation of that favor, and soon Europe will no longer be granted the grace it has once known. This eventuality frightens me as it should you. But alas, God remains faithful to his people and to individuals and even if nations fall we can take solace in that.

3 thoughts on “A Christian Understanding of Race

  1. Very good article God created the nations at Babel as a grace as a barrier to a single leader or small group taking over and corrupting the world again. It is interesting looking at the end.. what the devil is trying to do.. ie creating a one world order or government.. which is what the Anti-Christ will lead.

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